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How to do a search

The JuridiQC search engine allows you to quickly find information on this website. Please read on to understand how to search on JuridiQC.

No advanced search

Search operators such as “ ” , AND or NOT can’t be used to search for an exact phrase or to exclude a word from a search.

Search by keyword

No matter how many keywords you enter, the results list will display all the pages containing at least one of these keywords.

Unilingual search

To do a search in French, you must use the French version of JuridiQC.

Search by singular or plural forms

In addition to showing the exact word searched, the results list also displays pages with variants of the word in the singular or plural form. This is the case even if the plural of the word is irregular.

Example: family = families, child = children

No need for accents

Accents aren’t required in the search field.

No distinction between capital or lower case letters

The search engine doesn’t make any distinction between capital or lower case letters. Whichever you use, the results list will be the same.

Example: DIVORCE = divorce

Contractions are optional

When a group of words contains a contraction, you can search either with or without the contraction. Whichever you choose, your results list will be the same.

Example: you’re married = you are married

Hyphens are optional

If you wish to do a search with a compound word, you can replace the hyphen with a space.

Example: father-in-law = father in law

Apostrophes are optional

If you wish to do a search with a word or a group of words containing an apostrophe, you can use the apostrophe or replace it with a space

Example: the partners’ property = the partners property

Ligatures are optional

It’s not necessary to use the ligature to join two letters.

Example: manœuvre = manoeuvre