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Seniors experiencing a loss of autonomy

Protection mandate: Decisions mandataries can make about a family member or friend’s health care

If someone close to you has appointed you as mandatary in their protection mandate and you’re wondering what decisions you can make about their health care once the mandate has been homologated, here’s what you need to know to perform your new role as mandatary.

What does “care” mean?

Care can be any type of examination, specimen taking, treatment, or act. It can even include the decision to have your family member or friend move into a housing facility like a CHSLD.

Even under a protection mandate, your family member or friend can make decisions about their own health care

As a general rule, it’s up to your family member or friend to decide what care they wish to receive, even if they’re under a protection mandate.

The fact that the person is under a protection mandate doesn’t mean they’re automatically incapable of making decisions about their own care.

It’s up to the attending physician to determine whether the person is capable of making a decision about the proposed care.

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