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Separation and divorce

Your first income tax returns after separation or divorce: What you need to know

Whether you and your ex were married or in a de facto partnership, your first tax returns after the breakup may be quite different from what you used to file when you were a couple. Here are 4 things you should know before getting started.

Tax credits and deductions: Your rights could change

Marital status and family income are often considered when assessing eligibility for certain tax credits or deductions.

Since your breakup will change your marital status and probably your family income, you may:

  • see an increase or decrease in the credits or deductions you’re entitled to receive.
  • be eligible for new credits or deductions.
  • no longer be able to claim certain credits or deductions you had access to in the past.

Find out in advance how your breakup might affect your tax credits and deductions to avoid unpleasant surprises when you fill out your tax returns.

En apprendre plus

Tax credits (Revenu Québec)

En apprendre plus

Deductions (Revenu Québec)

En apprendre plus

Personal income tax - All deductions, credits, and expenses (Government of Canada)

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Joint Divorce Help Tool

Free and easy to use, JuridiQC’s help tool assists married couples who don’t have children together as they prepare their joint divorce application. From filling out documents to filing them at the courthouse, we provide step-by-step guidance.