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Seniors experiencing a loss of autonomy

Balancing caregiving with other family responsibilities

Do you have a hard time balancing your role as a caregiver with your everyday responsibilities as a parent or spouse? No need to worry – you can learn how to reconcile these two activities to better cope with temporary imbalances. Here are some solutions to help you achieve equilibrium between your responsibilities as a caregiver and your role in your family, on a day to day basis.

Signs of a poor work‑life balance

Irritability, moodiness, unusual behaviour… There are many signs that can indicate that you're having difficulty balancing your role as a caregiver with your role as a parent or spouse. Here are a few examples.

  • Emotional burn-out: Persistent fatigue, loss of interest in activities you usually enjoy, difficulty managing stress, feeling overwhelmed, bad mood, irritability
  • Health issues: digestive problems, physical pain, nausea, headaches, problems sleeping
  • Family tensions: lack of family time, difficulty communicating, challenges at school for the children, relationships that are tense, unstable, or deteriorating, development or aggravation of conflicts

To better prevent imbalances, be vigilant for these types of problems; over time, you can learn how to spot the red flags.

Learn how to clearly communicate your needs to your immediate family

Good communication can help you understand each other better and strengthen your family bond. Here are a few tips to enhance your daily communication with your family.

Identify your needs

For example, you may want to express your need for:

  • affection
  • encouragement
  • solitude
  • new challenges
  • stability
  • recognition
  • help with household chores or with the person you're caring for

Don’t be afraid to clearly express how you feel. If you need help with everyday activities such as housecleaning, your children's homework, caregiving, etc., say so clearly. For example, rather than saying you don’t have enough time, let them know how much time you’ll need to complete an activity.

Learn to listen 

Your family members should also feel comfortable enough to talk to you when they have concerns. It’s therefore important to create an atmosphere of trust to prevent everyone’s emotions from building up and reaching a point of no return.

Also, remember that blaming others won’t help you find a solution but may actually worsen the situation. Instead, try to understand everyone’s point of view.


En apprendre plus

Communicating with your child (Naître et grandir)

Be patient and understanding

It may take several conversations before you're able to express yourself calmly and respectfully, but don't be discouraged. Adopting a positive attitude and working together will help you find solutions to enhance your everyday communication and meet everyone’s needs.

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